Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Deadlines are wonderful for inspiration!

It's Wednesday today, and its also the first time I have had a chance to update in ages!

On Thursday just past I had an email from a friend, followed by a phone call from another friend, then emails...

The long and the short of it was, "Record label want the digital cover ASAP!" "How ASAP?" "Tomorrow!" and muggins here took up the challenge, with a little help from a friend.

Captain Accident AKA Adam Parsons, has an amazing reggae record just around the corner, the single is called "Fire! Fire! Fire!" and is a love song about his wife. His brother in law, also an amazing designer/illustrator (his myspace is coming and it is off the charts!) agreed to collaborate to get this badboy done ASAP.

He provided me with this:


and a bit of info that was on his mind. I think between the two of us we have upped the standard of both of our work. His drawing was amazing, so I just had to piece it together and design a logo and some text placement. As you can see...


Here is a larger version of the logo:


Fingers crossed it will look like this when it goes to the physical product:


And it would be totally inappropriate for a band to not have a release show, but this is a special show on a special night. I'm looking forward to Valentines Day now!


This is one of those things that I feel I will be proud of for a very long time.

I'm happy I'm back!

Larger Versions
Captain Accident's myspace.

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