Thursday, 28 May 2009

CD Artwork

Well this is one of those jobs that I have and haven't enjoyed doing, mainly because the layout you will be able to see just below was actually one of my first drafts! And then there were 20 something or so drafts (you should have seen the deleted post!) with minor and major changes...basically if you hit the nail on the head the first time, how are you meant to feel?

Well regardless, this isn't actually finished, as this was meant to be a promo/sale ready CD printed with a card sleeve, and that is being skipped and due to something I don't remember right now, it is going into dual cases! So I will have to re-jigg it. Nothing major, the cover is done, that is the hard part!

But anyway I wanted to post this, as I feel it's done what I was asked to do and I like it. Now the goal posts have been moved slightly (not in bad way mind you) I will have to rethink and have more detail.

As it was meant to be...


I'll throw some more links up when its done...

Larger Version

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