Thursday, 29 October 2009

Regular work rules!!

Here we go again, poster for CSP/Flip Your Wig, this was a really interesting one as I had a different format to play with, as opposed to the split I had a full poster, nice to have an a3 space in portrait, I like portrait!

This was a cool little poster as I was given some freedom to push the Flip Your Wig branding to something a little less bold and more appropriate to what the guys are doing. It's a funny mix as my overall direction was something a little more communist in style, yet keep it funky!

So lots of good things about this bad boy! I really like it, they really like it, what more could you want!


I've got a few more things to post soon, once I get the ok from the right people, so we ears to the ground.

Getting late.

Larger Version
Toucan Club
Flip Your Wig/Canton Space Project

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