Thursday, 29 October 2009

Regular work rules!!

Here we go again, poster for CSP/Flip Your Wig, this was a really interesting one as I had a different format to play with, as opposed to the split I had a full poster, nice to have an a3 space in portrait, I like portrait!

This was a cool little poster as I was given some freedom to push the Flip Your Wig branding to something a little less bold and more appropriate to what the guys are doing. It's a funny mix as my overall direction was something a little more communist in style, yet keep it funky!

So lots of good things about this bad boy! I really like it, they really like it, what more could you want!


I've got a few more things to post soon, once I get the ok from the right people, so we ears to the ground.

Getting late.

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Toucan Club
Flip Your Wig/Canton Space Project

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Recording studios are great places

So I was in a band a while back and we were lucky enough to get to record with Todd Campbell, great guy does awesome work and is an all round great guy.

This was a challenge as he wanted it to be 'clean, but messy', nice challenge me thinks.


To keep it clean I tried to avoid to much flashy detailing, like some of my other work and focus on simple, but grimey.

I had to design everything from scratch, layout, logo and details. It was a challenge getting the balance right.

I hope this suits him and does him some justice (and maybe gets him some more business).

Still watching Rocky, ADRIAN...

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Skwad HQ Myspace

Ivan Drago loves posters!

So I'm posting a blog, whilst watching Rocky, hence the title.

Point, stragne things them, another poster for the Toucan Club. This time same info, as the second one, so it is interesting to have to make something different and interesting again, when the details are the same.

I enjoyed this one.


I like the industrial weirdness of the top image.

Back to work (and Rocky).

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Toucan Club
Flip Your Wig/Canton Space Project