So this post is entirely about some recent niceness relating to my work.
First off:
I was featured on a design blog!
Interviewed and sample portfolio, it was nice to even be featured, let alone well recieved by Amber who runs the blog.
Go to Design Splat or My interview.
Second off:
I enjoyed doing work on the Zenyth project, and it has resulted in some randomly cool things...
It was cool to go to their release show, take some photos and hang out with some friends, but it was way cooler to see my artwork projected on the screen behind the band.
I may or may not have mentioned my love affair with my local indie record store, Spillers, I was walking past there a few weeks back and the Zenyth CD was in the window. Simple pleasure. Excuse the low quality, camera phone picture.
Alot of clients will try and sell you doing their work on where and who will see your work, whilst this is always nice, it should not be a motivation for doing your best work. I usually try to ignore these sorts of things as I want to concentrate on the work, not the aftermath. However, it was fairly cool to wandering around HMV and see it in the racks.
Can you see it? Want a clearer view?
That put a smile on my face.
My shirt design for SWPK, was rather fun to do, I sent them a few drafts of the design and they ended up having 2 made, one colour and the 2 colour, I saw the 2 colour, it ended up different colours from my choice, but what the hell, they like it. I was also really happy to finally get my hands on one myself.
Success, success...
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