First off, I thought about designing a logo or something, but then I decided to go with something I've already done just for the sake of making my life a bit easier! Next time, Ill start from scratch.
Seeing as I was working with stencils and spray paint, the logo I designed for Chains of Hate sprang to mind, mainly because it has a spray paint(ish) background and block text.
So first things first as I was only planning this to be 2 colours (learning curve going on here) I had to simplify the text as my starting point...
Test print and acetate version
Down in print, now its time to get working...
Now I am the first to admit faults if I think it will help someone not make them. So, the logo was a little complicated and at point there wasn't enough linking parts, so there had to be a few modications on the fly, just so it stood a chance of working properly (it would have flapped around everywhere and the lines would have been terrible).
Quick test...
I think this looks rather cool...
Next problem, over spray and trying to spray whilst holding a flimsy sheet of acetate! So...
Thank you Christmas presents arriving all at once giving me a big box! Recycling is important people!
I had a thought, the paint might get into the gaps in the card and it could do with strengthening, cue lots of tape!!!
Ready for a test!
The next stage I am going to say: This is slightly illegal, if you do it somewhere you are not allowed to, so I would strongly recommend not doing it!
I finished work at 2.30am, ideal time to be out i thought!
Test one...
Test two...
Then I thought I'd go back and have a look in the day time...
Not bad for a first try me thinks! A bit of practice and this could look awesome! I'm going to a gig monday with Chains of Hate, I am officially tempted to take fabric paint and my airbrush kit, and spray anyone in a plain shirt with one of these bad boys!
Quick thought, before and after...
With a few more practices, I reckon I could nail this. I'll probably add to this one as I try again!
Merry Christmas!
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