So where do I start?
1. Logo
This was not my design originally, I had to re adapt what they had, clean it up and change it a bit to make it more personal to them. I'm not going to post the old logo, but this is an improvement.
2. CD Cover, I've posted a mock up of it and I've posted the actual artwork, I've left the printer markers on there, don't worry if you haven't seen them before, they are good things.
Mock up, I hope it comes out like this...
Front cover and inside page.
Inside pages, functional, this was a real lesson in InDesign, getting it all sorted.
Back, I do like how this came out.
Inside tray, nothing crazy.
On body.
And a letterhead for press mailouts.
This has been an epic project, including the myspace layout. I'm really glad I can post this now so it can be seen in all its glory. I can not wait to get this back from the printers.
Much respect and love to Mei Lewis @ Mission Photographic for his obvious, and amazing contributions to this.
Nice feeling, I can actually concentrate on something else now!
Love to y'all.
Zenyth Myspace
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Mission Photographic